New project added

Posted by Chris on Sunday, May 31, 2009 in , ,
Before any others are anywhere near complete, it's time to add yet another project to the Nerd Club Blog. It's actually part of the Game Score Device but because there's a lot going on with it, a separate project was created for this LCD Keychain Photo Album Hack.

In time, it would be nice to be able to miniaturise the game score device so that it fits into a keychain-type enclosure - or at least to make use of the cool little full-colour LCDs that they use, instead of the clunking great 2-line character display. Since they both cost about the same (between £3-£4 each) it would make sense to use the keychain idea, as for the same money you also get an enclosure and some micro-buttons ready to use!

The keychain also comes with a 3.7v lithium-ion battery and a miniature USB socket, so there's plenty to be salvaged, although I suspect that re-using the battery is going to be difficult, so I'll be looking to replace this with a watch battery or two.

Any way, there it is - a new project: how to hack a keychain LCD photo album.
After all, if it works, there are probably 101 uses for it, not just a game scoring device!


TFI Friday

Posted by Chris on Friday, May 29, 2009 in , , , , ,
It's been a busy week at Nerd Towers, but only because we found ourselves in the strange position of having quite a few events in the social diary! While this does mean that we've managed to get out and see the sun for a few hours at at time it also means fewer hours in front of the computer/etching tank/soldering iron.

Wednesday was the Brighton and Hove Petanque Club Quiz Night at the Iron Duke. Luckily we teamed up with a couple of other members so that our ignorance of all things cool and cultured didn't become too apparent. In fact, we hid our ignorance so well that we won the quiz and each took home a bottle of bubbly!

A lot of the week has been spent in preparation for the Brighton Robot talk "introduction to microcontollers". Lots of kits had to be made up, containing breadboards, wire jumpers, microchips, resistors, leds - all the kind of junk you'd normally find attached to a microchip in fact. In a talk spanning a massive three hours (include beer and fag breaks) everyone managed to get an LED flashing in response to an input signal/button press. We're not quite ready to build a robot army to take over the world, but it's a step in the right direction!

Speaking of RobotBrighton, Robot Steve of BotBuilder fame, spent some time using MS Messenger and a webcam to demonstrate his exciting new Etch-a-Bot.
He's already using an LCD display for his project (pre-built from SparkFun) which allows the user to draw a path on the screen, using a small joystick. The bot can then be put into "playback mode" and it will rove about, following the path drawn on the screen. Pretty impressive stuff!


Boules Rules OK

Posted by Chris on Monday, May 25, 2009 in , , ,
Sunday saw the first Brighton and Hove Petanque Newcomers Doubles contest. In all, twenty-one people turned up to play: new players and old hands mixed up to form doubles teams with one of each player in each team (except for one "trebles" team made up with the extra player!).

It was an excellent day and everyone enjoyed both the social and competitive aspect of the games. Each team played a total of six games, and prizes were awarded to the top three teams on the day. Team Nerd managed to scrape in sixth - a row of losses, one after the other, broken by a single solitary win towards the end of the day was just enough to avoid taking home the wooden spoon!

It was also an ideal opportunity to try out my game scoring device. Unfortunately, it was still only at the breadboard stage so I couldn't demonstrate it, although it certainly generated some interest.
A website for recording and displaying game results is already under way and the idea is to eventually link the two - so after playing your game (petanque, darts, snooker, whatever) and recording the results on the device, they can be uploaded to a website where they are automatically assembled into a league table and the winner(s) displayed for everyone to see.

More details will be posted here as they become available.


New hardware device - game score keeper

Posted by Chris on Saturday, May 23, 2009 in ,
It was only a few days ago that this prototype was a whimsical idea and now it's sat on my desk, all lit up and working. It's taken a few micros to get here (see previous posts about how plugging a chip in the wrong way round is not a good idea!) but my new Game Score Keeping Device is almost ready to put into a housing and try out for real!

The LCD display includes a backlight
but this photo shows that the contrast
needs some adjustment!
This early prototype uses a 16F628A chip, not one of the bigger, beefier 18F series. In fact, the functionality and data storage have had to be simplified to get everything to fit into the massive 2k program memory space! Now when a game starts, you simply move the cursor over the two existing team names to change them. In the 18F series, a database of existing team names can be used to select a name instead of having to type one in every time.

Although ideal for prototyping, the 2k program limit in the 16F is already causing a few problems (functionality has had to be reduced to get the code to compile!). The final version will definitely use the 18F series chip for a couple of reasons:

First, you get an enormous 24k of program memory. Seriously, that's a lot of programming space. Plus connection to the PC can be made using onboard USB instead of serial (the 16F has a built in USART but no USB). And you get more eeprom memory space. And - most importantly of all - the 18F series is also available as 18LF which means is supports lower voltage operation (2.5V) so the whole thing will be able to run off just two AAA batteries, instead of the four it takes now.


New breadboard system with extra benefits

Posted by Chris on Friday, May 22, 2009 in
I've yet to try one of these out, but a trip to the local Co-Op looks likely following this excellent review of a new solderless breadboard:
It's called TortillaBoard and looks like an exciting development in the world of solderless prototyping....


Smoke my sausages Batman!

Posted by Chris on Thursday, May 21, 2009 in ,
I've been working to get my new game score keeping device up and running in time for the Brighton and Hove Petanque tournament this Sunday. I'd coded it up pretty quickly, but when it came to saving the results to EEPROM, I quickly discovered not just the limit of the available memory, but the program limit of the 16F628A. I'd filled up my allocated 2k of program memory and still had about 40-50 lines of code left to go!

A bit of jiggery-pokery and some sub-routine optimisations and I managed to squeeze the entire code down to just 1600 words (but sacrificed some nice bits in order to get it working).

I was keen to see it working in hardware and dumped it all to a chip.
I plugged it into the breadboard and fired it up.

Then something.
A small wisp of smoke.
Then a lot of smoke. Holy crap! I'd plugged the micro in upside down, forcing 5v onto its ground pins and driving the 5v low. It's been a long while since I've done that. But it goes to show that even when you think you know what you're doing, there's no room for complacency! I could have fried my USB port just now.
Thankfully the only thing I lost was a cheap 99p microchip!


Not a Trekkie, just a nerd

Posted by Chris on Thursday, May 21, 2009 in
But like all good nerds, I quite like the odd sci-fi action movie. And the new Star Trek movie has it all! Action, humour, characters, lasers, alien monsters. You name it, it's in there. And - surprisingly - it's really well done.

I went along to the local Odeon on Wednesday only because it was buy-one-get-one-free with the Orange Wednesday promotion and not really expecting much from this film. After all, I'd seen the trailer and everyone knows they only put the best bits in there, don't they?

There's not much to give away - the film concentrates on how the original Star Trek members got together and ended up on the Enterprise. It's been really well tied in to the original 60s TV series, and you can see the relationships between the characters building up and there are plenty of references back to the old series to keep Trekkie fans happy (I didn't get a lot of them, but a lot of people gave a knowing laugh at various points in the film, suggesting that if I knew a bit more about Star Trek in general, I took could get in on the joke).

Even if you've never watch William Shatner et al in the original, this is still a movie worth shelling out for - and on a big screen with the effects and fantastic sound system, it's far better than watching a pirate copy downloaded off the net in a tiny little 320x240 window.

In short, it's great. Go see it!


Oshonsoft Special Offer for RobotBrighton members

Posted by Chris on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 in , ,
Anyone like messing about with robots?
Anyone live in/near Brighton?
Anyone a member of the RobotBrighton group?

Vladimir Soso (author of the PIC simulator and basic compilers software) has put together not one, not two, but THREE fantastic special deals for all members of RobotBrighton.

He's offering the PIC simulator for just €18 instead of 29. That's nearly 40% off! And if you're serious about PIC programming, you can't miss the amazing PIC18 + USB bundle he's put together for just €45.

Check out the email below from Vlad and grab yourself a bargain....

Dear members of RobotBrighton,

For a limited period of time, you can take advantage
of the following special offers to get the licenses for
OshonSoft.com software at convenient prices.

Special Offer #1 (18 euros):
- PIC Simulator IDE personal license
- PIC basic compiler 32-bit math support
- PIC basic compiler structured language support
Online payment can be completed by following the link:

Special Offer #2 (36 euros):
- PIC Simulator IDE personal license
- PIC basic compiler 32-bit math support
- PIC basic compiler structured language support
- PIC18 Simulator IDE personal license
- PIC18 basic compiler 32-bit math support
- PIC18 basic compiler structured language support
- PIC10F Simulator IDE personal license
Online payment can be completed by following the link:

Special Offer #3 (45 euros):
- PIC18 basic compiler USB support personal license
- PIC Simulator IDE personal license
- PIC basic compiler 32-bit math support
- PIC basic compiler structured language support
- PIC18 Simulator IDE personal license
- PIC18 basic compiler 32-bit math support
- PIC18 basic compiler structured language support
- PIC10F Simulator IDE personal license
Online payment can be completed by following the link:

These special offers will expire on June 9, 2009.

Best regards,


New project added

Posted by Chris on Tuesday, May 19, 2009 in , , , ,
We went to play petanque (boules to you) down at the Brighton and Hove Petanque Club at the weekend. It was wet and windy and a bit of a half-arsed affair, with no-one remembering to bring all the equipment for a game. We're still borrowing boules until we can find some decent ones to play with, and our opponents had to borrow a jack and a tape measure.

None of us bothered to bring one of those whirly score keeping devices. After all, how sad do you have to be to want to use one of those? A stick and a bit of dirt was all we needed to keep track of the score, surely? After a couple of games, we had no idea what the score was, who was winning, who won the last three games, when it was time finish (was it 3-1 or 2-2 or best-of-three or first-to-five?).

That gave me an idea.
How about a super-nerdy game score keeper?
Not just a bit of paper and a pencil, but something along the lines of the "official" petanque "marqueur de score"....

Keep track of the score for any game using this digital score keeper!

Why bother with a digital version of something that is already available?
Well, because it's a digital version of course!
But more than that, you'll be able to download the scores off the device onto your PC - and even have them uploaded automatically to a website, where your league tables get updated, player profiles and histories are updated and everything is done for you! Now you're interested.....


Remember when games where fun?

Posted by Chris on Sunday, May 17, 2009 in ,
It's a favourite topic at Nerd Towers - when was the last time you played a really good computer game? Not just one of the modern-day run-of-the-mill shoot-'em-ups, or pseudo-3d platform games that saturate the games market today, but a really good game: one that you wanted to play, and play again, and then play some more.

Invariably those of us of a certain age immediately insist on going back to the 80s and the ZX Spectrum puzzler classics such as Head over Heels, Batman and so on. Then there are the die-hard adventure gamers who loved Everyone's a Wally and the Magic Knight series. Not many people admit to liking text adventures (when twenty minutes of trying every keyword resulting in "I don't know how to do that" the inevitable foul-mouthed rant would often reset the computer!)

Ok, perhaps there were some good games after that....
For the Wally crowd there were point-n-click adventures such as Day of the Tentacle (same warped humour and puzzle-solving conundrums). Head over Heels (a game where you had to push blocks around to escape from a sequence of rooms) could be likened to Tetris, albeit in a very vague passing resemblance. Worms was brilliant in its sheer simplicity - aim, shoot, repeat. Even for the shoot-em-up haters, many of us admit that Resident Evil was a pretty cool game (even those of us who couldn't get past level two).

But in the main, a shortlist of the top ten (twenty) favourite games for the three of us at Nerd Towers on a wet Sunday afternoon consists of games based on a simple idea. The Nintendo Wii is a classic example of this - none of the games for it (so far) are particularly brilliant, but the unique controller idea had everybody hooked, playing simple fast games for fun. Imagine Wii Sports on a Playstation 3, with one of those awkward joystick-based controllers. Boring! But on a Wii, even simple games are a lot of fun. In fact, many people - myself included - agree that the simple games offer the most fun. You can dip in and dip out without giving up an entire afternoon following some convoluted story or plot line, and play games that make you laugh.

One such online game that has got us all hooked (wasting away the afternoon when we should be working on real things like work)is Globulos.

It's simple but addictive. Play against your mates. Offer to play just three games to decide the winner. Then check the clock an hour later as you say "no, best of five/seven/eleven/thirty-five" and you're still bouncing your little balls around like crazy.

Like all good games, it's simple and fun and anyone can play. There's the perfect blend of luck and skill which makes you want to keep coming back for more. I love it (although, if my boss ever reads this and works out how many hours it's cost the company, it'll quickly find it's way onto the work's blacklist!)


Another project complete?

Posted by Chris on Friday, May 15, 2009 in , ,
My hands are shaking as I type this, as I think I've finished yet another project. Yet another? Ok, maybe this is my first, fully-finished, nothing-more-left-to-do project. But I think it's done.

It helps that it's mostly software based: a PIC controller with 12 independently controllable servo channels, which uses EITHER serial communications OR USB.
It also allows you to set the pulse width (the servos I'm working with seem to need a signal anywhere between 0.6ms and 2.2ms wide, to get them to move through the full 180 degrees).
Data is sent to the PIC using two-byte instructions - a letter to indicate which servo number (A-L correspond to servos 1-12, where A=1, B=2 etc.) followed by a number representing the percentage movement required.
So for example, A50 means move servo number one 50%.

Two special instructions are also included:
Y = set min pulse length (where 100=1ms, 60=0.6ms etc)
Z = set pulse length for 100% movement (where 100=1ms, 80=0.8ms)

So in my case, using servos that require a pulse from 0.6 to 2.2ms I set up the controller by sending


If sending this data via USB, I then poll the 8-byte USB data/io report.
This is because the device, on receiving a USB data "packet" (8-byte data buffer is populated) I set byte(7) of the buffer to zero.
After the device has updated the necessary internal values, it sets this last byte to 0xFF (255 decimal) to say that it's ready for the next packet of data.
So polling this last byte value lets me know at the PC end when the device is ready to receive the next instruction which is


(after a pulse of 0.6ms, the maximum time before the signal should go low is 1.6ms, making a total pulse length of 0.6 + 1.6 = 2.2ms)

Using this approach, "standard" servo commands can be set, using Y100, Z100 (pulse length 1ms-2ms) but non-standard servos can also be used, by setting the "on" and "off" servo timings. Because different pulse lengths can be used, movement is achieved by sending a servo pin number/letter and the amount of movement required as a percentage (0-100). So to move a standard servo on pin3 through 50% we would use the command


Easy huh?
Steve over at botbuilder.co.uk is working on turning this into a shield/daughter board for the Arduino, so that it can be used to provide up to 14 servo controllers (2 built-in to the Arduino + 12 on the board).


Multi-channel servo controller

Posted by Chris on Sunday, May 10, 2009 in , , ,
So here's the first working version of multi-channel, USB (and serial) driven servo controller. It's by no means complete, and for some reason, my servos only move 45 degrees either side of the zero point but the theory behind it seems to work.

Here's what happens, in a nutshell:
Unlike other multiple servo controllers, this one does not activate the servo pins in sequence (which, incidentally on a 20Mhz crystal limits you to 8 servos, maximum).
This controller switches on all servo pins at the same time, and uses timer1 to decide when each servo pin should be switched off.
Since all pins are on for the first 1ms, and are turned off during the second millisecond, this keeps 3-20ms (9/10ths) of the processing time free for data processing and other tasks (give or take a few nanoseconds for some basic time-keeping checks).

Using the same layout as my earlier USB project you can get some results quite quickly. Set your board out according to the schematic and drop the code (below) onto the PIC18F2455.

Attaching your servo signal wire to pin RB0 should move the servo to the zero position. RB1 should move the servo to one extreme, pin RB2 to the other. (in fact, if you look at the code, you should see that pins RB3-7 also move the servo to the same angle as RB1.

I'm still working on fine-tuning the code and experimenting with other servos.
I'm using a Hextronic HXT900 servo which doesn't appear to move through the full 180 degrees. The half-way signal does appear to put the servo into the centre position. However, when sending signals to move the servo to its extremes, it only moves 45 degrees in each direction, rather than the full 90.
I'm not sure whether this is a software issue, or whether it's particular to this servo model. Results of any further investigations will be posted here in time!

Oshonsoft PICBasic listing for 18F2445

Define CONFIG1L = 0x24
Define CONFIG1H = 0x0c
Define CONFIG2L = 0x3e
Define CONFIG2H = 0x00
Define CONFIG3L = 0x00
Define CONFIG3H = 0x81
Define CONFIG4L = 0x80
Define CONFIG4H = 0x00
Define CONFIG5L = 0x0f
Define CONFIG5H = 0xc0
Define CONFIG6L = 0x0f
Define CONFIG6H = 0xe0
Define CONFIG7L = 0x0f
Define CONFIG7H = 0x40

'PORTA.0 is feature LED
'PORTA.1 is i/o LED
'these can be removed if necessary

Dim ax As Byte
Dim i As Byte
Dim j As Byte
Dim t As Byte
Dim svh(16) As Byte
Dim svl(16) As Byte

UsbSetVendorId 0x1220
UsbSetProductId 0x1234
UsbSetVersionNumber 0x1122
UsbSetManufacturerString "www.nerdclub.co.uk"
UsbSetProductString "Multiple servo USB controller"
UsbSetSerialNumberString "1111111111"
UsbOnIoInGosub usbonioin
UsbOnIoOutGosub usbonioout
UsbOnFtInGosub usbonftin
UsbOnFtOutGosub usbonftout

Config PORTA = Output
Config PORTB = Output
T1CON = 0 'set all bits to zero

PORTA.0 = 1 'turn on an output so we can see the pic is running
PORTA.0 = 0 'turn off output once USB has set up

'set the value for timer1 to count up to
'(count to 5000 = 1ms: highbyte=5000/256, lowbyte=5000 mod 256)
CCPR1H = 19
CCPR1L = 136

'to allow a 0-100% range, sv(0-15) can take the value 0-100
'(we multiply these up by 50 as the values are received, to give
'a range of 0-5000, which is 0ms to 1ms).
'these are some example values to test the middle and extreme
'ranges of the servo controller on pins 0,1,2

svh(0) = 9
svl(0) = 196

svh(1) = 0
svl(1) = 0

svh(2) = 19
svl(2) = 136

'1011 = special event interrupt, clear timer etc.

'PIR1.CCP1IF = 0 'clear any "bogus" reading
T1CON.TMR1ON = 1 'enable timer1

t = 0


  If t = 1 Then
    'turn on all servo outputs for 1ms
    PORTB = 0xff
    PORTA.0 = 1 'led to show timer is running
      If t = 2 Then
      'this is where outputs get turned off. Because there may
      'be a delay in processing this loop, we compare the actual
      'value held in Timer2 and if it's greater than our servo-off
      'value (0-100% multipled by 50) then turn that pin off

      If TMR1H > svh(0) Then PORTB.0 = 0
      If TMR1H = svh(0) And TMR1L >= svl(0) Then PORTB.0 = 0

      If TMR1H > svh(1) Then PORTB.1 = 0
      If TMR1H = svh(1) And TMR1L >= svl(1) Then PORTB.1 = 0

      If TMR1H > svh(2) Then PORTB.2 = 0
      If TMR1H = svh(2) And TMR1L >= svl(2) Then PORTB.2 = 0

      'turn off the servo outputs for the duration 3ms to 14ms (and 0ms-1ms)
      PORTB = 0x00
      PORTA.0 = 0 'turn off timer led

      'service the USB port for data

      'check to see if we've had two bytes of serial data
      If i = 0 Then
        'Hserget i
        If j = 0 Then
          'Hserget j
          'parse the two byte instruction and update the servo-off
          'values as necessary, then reset i and j to zero
          i = 0
          j = 0


   'check for CCP1 interrupt flag (even if interrupts are not
   'on, you can poll this flag to see if an event has occurred)
   'this really needs to be in an interrupt routine so that the timer
   'is kept as up-to-date as possible
   If PIR1.CCP1IF = 1 Then
     t = t + 1
     PIR1.CCP1IF = 0

     If t > 14 Then
       t = 0

       'reset the timer to exactly zero
       '(so if there's been a delay switching on, we're back in sync
       'when it comes to switching the signal off, otherwise there
       'might be a bit of judder as the time period between on and off
       'may differ by a few thousandths of a millisecond)
       TMR1L = 0


Goto loop


Toggle PORTA.0

'we've received some data in the feature report

Toggle PORTA.1

'we've received some data on the data i/o, so
'update the necessary servo high and low byte values
'to get the selected servo to move to its new position



Blog posts are just like buses...

Posted by Chris on Saturday, May 09, 2009 in , , , , , ,
...you wait for ages for one, then three come along at once.
Just a quick note to say that, despite there being no blog updates for a while, it's not all ground to a halt here at Nerd Towers.

After the success (mostly) of the USB relay switching device I've been inspired to help out with a project for Steve at www.botbuilder.co.uk, which is a USB-driven multiple-servo controller.

Simply put, to drive a servo, you need to send a signal pulse to the servo every 20ms or so (50hz) the duration of which must be between 1ms and 2ms.
A 1ms signal means "0 degrees" (or -90 if your zero position is half way between the two extremes). To move the servo to 90 degrees (or its mid-point) a signal of exactly 1.5ms must be sent, and a signal of 2ms represents "fully extended" or "180 degrees" (or 90 degrees if you're working from -90 to 0 to 90).

Many PICs have a PWM (pulse-wave-mode) module built into them, and some even have two or more. But very few (if any) can support up to 16 servos.
Allowing for errors, and a signal pulse time of 2.5ms per servo - remembering that each servo must have a signal sent to it every 20ms at most - the maximum number of servos that a PIC can control, serially, is 8.
(servo 1 takes 2.5ms, followed by servo 2, another 2.5ms, followed by servo 3 etc...)

8 x 2.5 = 20m/s.

And on top of all this, your PIC is running at 100% capacity - there's no room in there for receiving data requests to update the position of the servos.
So I'm trying to recreate PWM using an 18F series PIC, but using timer1 to create interrupts to drive all servo pins high at the same time, then use some form of offsetting to drive them low again after a period of time between 1ms and 2ms.

Look out for some Oshonsoft PICBasic code shortly (if I get it working!)


Silence is golden

Posted by Chris on Saturday, May 09, 2009 in ,
Last night, Paul Merton was at Worthing Assembly Hall with his Silent Clowns Tour. The films he showed were, surprisingly, very good! There were the usual silent classics - Charlie Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy, Buster Keaton - and each was accompanied by Neil Brand, playing the piano as a live soundtrack.

There's no doubting Neil's piano playing ability but for me, that's rather what takes the shine off the old black-n-white silent movies. It took me until the second half to realise this - the films themselves are fabulous: the timing and skill involved to pull off some of the theatrics make some of today's performers look pedestrian and stale. The musical soundtrack, however, is dated and dull.

I've never been a fan of Charlie Chaplin, but watching him make his arrival in America, and the ensuing high-jinx, was brilliant. The comedy was less in the fall-down-farce style and more in the subtle telling of a tale, using facial expressions and body-language beautifully.
Without the distraction of sound, the characters had to squeeze every last bit out of a performance, so that the audience could understand what was going on. It was rather like watching a live-action cartoon, with huge, over-exaggerated actions which all added to the charm of the film.

Laurel and Hardy performed a routine with a goat in their hotel room: not the kind of thing I remembered about L&H. I always thought that they went in for the big scene, dropping-pianos-on-top-of-people visuals, but they were equally as funny in small, intimate scenes.

Buster Keaton played an early version of Brewsters Millions.
You could see him lay the foundations for all that came after him - from the ludicrous Monty Python to Benny Hill. Again, his comic timing was impeccable.

At the interval, after being pleasantly surprised by how good (and bizarrely topical) the films still remained today, I wondered why, when an old classic pops up on the telly, there isn't the same compulsion to sit and watch and admire it.
The second half - dedicated entirely to the Buster Keaton movie Seven Chances (not Steamboat Bill as the publicity stated) - a movie similar to Brewsters Millions, in that Buster has to be married by 7 o'clock in order to receive a 7 million dollar inheritance. And sadly, this is where the true problem with silent movies became obvious: they're not silent! The piano playing - although very clever and technically impressive - was just too persistent. Every scene was accompanied with "diddle-de-dum, diddle-de-dum, diddle-diddle-diddle-diddle-dum" and punctuated with the occasional "bang" on the lower keys (think Jerry Lee Lewis playing with his feet). Too often, something rising up (be it someone standing up from a chair, someone or something being lifted or flying through the air) was accompanied by a quick run up the piano keyboard. Likewise, anyone or anything coming down (falling, dropping, tripping over) was met with a quick run down the piano.
Clever, in the right places, but because most farce-based comedy revolves around people jumping up and falling down, it quickly became boring and predictable.
It would have been nice to have a change in tempo for some scenes - perhaps even a different style of music, to suit the mood being played out on screen.

It really should have been called "Neil Brand plays along to silent clowns" as Paul Merton appears only for a few minutes at a time, before going off and leaving the film running for anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes at a time. At the end of the show, just as we were discussing how he'd had time to pop to the pub for a bite to eat and a few pints while supposedly performing at the Assembly Room, he appeared - no word of a lie - with his coat and a hat on!

I'm glad Paul Merton reintroduced us to these old films.
They really are worth watching - not so much for the plot or the story, but for the theatrics and fantastic performances put in by the stars. If an old silent movie comes on the telly, why not try watching it; but this time, as it was made - turn the volume right down, watch it in silence and marvel at the sheer brilliance of it!


Over a week with no news?

Posted by Chris on Friday, May 08, 2009 in
For those who are unaware, May sees the start of Festival Season here in Brighton - a whole month of fun and games, all over the city of Brighton & Hove!
There's loads going on - check out http://www.brightonfestival.org/ for details.

Updates to the blog might be slightly sporadic for a while, as each day reveals something exciting going on, which all eats into my free Nerd Time!


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