It works! It works!

Posted by Chris on Thursday, July 02, 2009 in , , ,
Victory at last!
Well, not quite, but at least I'm part-way there now!
Yet another GLCD arrived in the post this morning and as soon as I'd shredded it from it's bubble-wrapped envelope, I had a series of pins soldered on to it and had it connected up to my breadboard.

This time it's a LM6038B from Mainline.
A quick read through the datasheet and it looks ok: it's a ribbon-based display ready-mounted on a PCB, with all the nasty charge-pump capacitors and all that nonsense already in place. So you can just shove 3v onto the power/lcd pins and the backlight shares a 0v pin with the display controller, so only one ground connection needed!
The display supports the usual 6800 and 8080 parallel interface, as well as a serial interface. Great. But then I came across this in the datasheet:

1.5 Jumper functions
closeopencloseclose6800 mode
openclosecloseclose8080 mode
opencloseopencloseserial mode (default)

That's right. Serial mode by default.
The jumpers are actually little solder blobs on the back of the display, so in theory they can be changed. Given that I'd been told that this display used a KS0108-compatible library, it was tempting to give it a go.
But then, I thought rather than screw up yet another display and get no further on, it might be fun/torture to get this working as-is, using the serial interface.

Here's the datasheet
Here's the Oshonsoft PIC18 Basic code to get an 18F2455 mirochip working with the display using PORTA and SPI communication. Simply wire up the microchip pins to the corresponding pins on the display. The only thing to look out for is SPI_SDO - I set this to a pin on PORTB as it's not used for this example - data is sent to the display, not read back from it. Any way, here it is:

'Config PORTA = Output

Symbol glcd_cs1 = PORTA.0
Symbol glcd_res = PORTA.1
Symbol glcd_a0 = PORTA.2
Symbol glcd_sclk = PORTA.3
Symbol glcd_si = PORTA.4

Define SPI_SCK_REG = PORTA 'defines the port where sck line is connected To
Define SPI_SCK_BIT = 3 'defines the pin where sck line is connected To
Define SPI_SDI_REG = PORTA 'defines the port where sdi line is connected To
Define SPI_SDI_BIT = 4 'defines the pin where sdi line is connected To
Define SPI_SDO_REG = PORTB 'defines the port where sdo line is connected To
Define SPI_SDO_BIT = 4 'defines the pin where sdo line is connected To
Define SPI_CS_REG = PORTA 'defines the port where cs line is connected To
Define SPI_CS_BIT = 0 'defines the pin where cs line is connected To

Dim glcdbyte As Byte 'the byte to send to the display
Dim glcdline As Byte 'used to set the current line number of the display
Dim i As Byte 'general use variable
Dim j As Byte
Dim character(6) As Byte 'array of character font slices
Dim charbyte As Byte 'the character to send to the GLCD
Dim ilcd As Byte
Dim jlcd As Byte
Dim klcd As Byte

Dim invertchar As Bit

Config PORTC = Output
High PORTC.2
WaitMs 1000

Gosub glcdinititalise
Gosub glcdclearscreen
High PORTC.2

glcdline = 0
Gosub glcdsetline

For i = 0 To 17
 charbyte = LookUp("HOLY CRAP IT WORKS"), i
 Gosub pickcharacter
 Gosub drawcharacter
Next i


 'reset pin is pulled low via 6.2k resistor
 'wait for power to stabilise
 WaitMs 100

 'set reset pin high
 High glcd_res
 WaitMs 10

 glcdbyte = 0xa2 'LCD bias=1/9
 Gosub glcdsendcommand

 glcdbyte = 0xa0 'no flip on x direction
 Gosub glcdsendcommand

 glcdbyte = 0xc8 'flip on y direction
 Gosub glcdsendcommand

 glcdbyte = 0x40 'init line=0
 Gosub glcdsendcommand

 glcdbyte = 0x2c 'power control voltage convertor on
 Gosub glcdsendcommand
 WaitMs 50

 glcdbyte = 0x2e 'power control voltage regulator on
 Gosub glcdsendcommand
 WaitMs 50
 glcdbyte = 0x2f 'power control voltage follower on
 Gosub glcdsendcommand
 WaitMs 50
 glcdbyte = 0x25 'regulator resistor select
 Gosub glcdsendcommand

 'contrast control:
 glcdbyte = 0x81 'set reference voltage mode
 Gosub glcdsendcommand
 glcdbyte = 0x20 'set reference voltage resistor
 Gosub glcdsendcommand

 glcdbyte = 0xaf 'turn on the display
 Gosub glcdsendcommand

 glcdbyte = 0xb0 'set page address=0
 Gosub glcdsendcommand

 glcdbyte = 0x10 'set column address upper 4bit=0
 Gosub glcdsendcommand
 glcdbyte = 0x04 'set column address lower 4bit=4
 Gosub glcdsendcommand

 High glcd_a0
 SPISend glcdbyte
 WaitUs 1

 Low glcd_a0
 SPISend glcdbyte
 WaitUs 1

 For glcdline = 0 To 7
  Gosub glcdsetline
  glcdbyte = 0
  For j = 0 To 129
   Gosub glcdsenddata
  Next j
 Next glcdline

  glcdbyte = 10110000b
  glcdbyte = glcdbyte + glcdline
  Gosub glcdsendcommand
  glcdbyte = 0x10 'set column address upper 4bit=0
  Gosub glcdsendcommand
  glcdbyte = 0x04 'set column address lower 4bit=4
  Gosub glcdsendcommand
  WaitMs 1

 Select Case charbyte

  character(5) = 0 'check for this condition when drawing the letter

  Case 0, 48 '0
  character(0) = 120
  character(1) = 164
  character(2) = 148
  character(3) = 120
  character(4) = 0

  Case 1, 49 '1
  character(0) = 1
  character(1) = 136
  character(2) = 252
  character(3) = 128
  character(4) = 0

  Case 2, 50 '2
  character(0) = 200
  character(1) = 164
  character(2) = 164
  character(3) = 152
  character(4) = 0

  Case 3, 51 '3
  character(0) = 68
  character(1) = 148
  character(2) = 148
  character(3) = 108
  character(4) = 0

  Case 4, 52 '4
  character(0) = 32
  character(1) = 48
  character(2) = 40
  character(3) = 252
  character(4) = 0

  Case 5, 53 '5
  character(0) = 92
  character(1) = 148
  character(2) = 148
  character(3) = 100
  character(4) = 0

  Case 6, 54 '6
  character(0) = 120
  character(1) = 148
  character(2) = 148
  character(3) = 96
  character(4) = 0

  Case 7, 55 '7
  character(0) = 4
  character(1) = 196
  character(2) = 52
  character(3) = 12
  character(4) = 0

  Case 8, 56 '8
  character(0) = 104
  character(1) = 148
  character(2) = 148
  character(3) = 104
  character(4) = 0

  Case 9, 57 '9
  character(0) = 72
  character(1) = 148
  character(2) = 148
  character(3) = 120
  character(4) = 0

  Case 32 'space
  character(0) = 1
  character(1) = 1
  character(2) = 1
  character(3) = 1
  character(4) = 1

  Case 65 'A
  character(0) = 248
  character(1) = 36
  character(2) = 36
  character(3) = 248
  character(4) = 0

  Case 66 'B
  character(0) = 252
  character(1) = 148
  character(2) = 148
  character(3) = 104
  character(4) = 0

  Case 67 'C
  character(0) = 120
  character(1) = 132
  character(2) = 132
  character(3) = 72
  character(4) = 0

  Case 68 'D
  character(0) = 252
  character(1) = 132
  character(2) = 132
  character(3) = 120
  character(4) = 0

  Case 69 'E
  character(0) = 252
  character(1) = 148
  character(2) = 148
  character(3) = 132
  character(4) = 0

  Case 70 'F
  character(0) = 252
  character(1) = 20
  character(2) = 20
  character(3) = 4
  character(4) = 0

  Case 71 'G
  character(0) = 120
  character(1) = 132
  character(2) = 164
  character(3) = 232
  character(4) = 0

  Case 72 'H
  character(0) = 252
  character(1) = 16
  character(2) = 16
  character(3) = 252
  character(4) = 0

  Case 73 'I
  character(0) = 132
  character(1) = 252
  character(2) = 132
  character(3) = 0
  character(4) = 0

  Case 74 'J
  character(0) = 96
  character(1) = 128
  character(2) = 132
  character(3) = 124
  character(4) = 0

  Case 75 'K
  character(0) = 252
  character(1) = 16
  character(2) = 40
  character(3) = 196
  character(4) = 0

  Case 76 'L
  character(0) = 252
  character(1) = 128
  character(2) = 128
  character(3) = 128
  character(4) = 0

  Case 77 'M
  character(0) = 252
  character(1) = 8
  character(2) = 48
  character(3) = 8
  character(4) = 252

  Case 78 'N
  character(0) = 252
  character(1) = 8
  character(2) = 16
  character(3) = 252
  character(4) = 0

  Case 79 'O
  character(0) = 120
  character(1) = 132
  character(2) = 132
  character(3) = 120
  character(4) = 0

  Case 80 'P
  character(0) = 252
  character(1) = 36
  character(2) = 36
  character(3) = 24
  character(4) = 0

  Case 81 'Q
  character(0) = 120
  character(1) = 132
  character(2) = 164
  character(3) = 120
  character(4) = 128

  Case 82 'R
  character(0) = 252
  character(1) = 36
  character(2) = 36
  character(3) = 216
  character(4) = 0

  Case 83 'S
  character(0) = 72
  character(1) = 148
  character(2) = 164
  character(3) = 72
  character(4) = 0

  Case 84 'T
  character(0) = 4
  character(1) = 252
  character(2) = 4
  character(3) = 0
  character(4) = 0

  Case 85 'U
  character(0) = 124
  character(1) = 128
  character(2) = 128
  character(3) = 252
  character(4) = 0

  Case 86 'V
  character(0) = 28
  character(1) = 96
  character(2) = 128
  character(3) = 96
  character(4) = 28

  Case 87 'W
  character(0) = 252
  character(1) = 64
  character(2) = 48
  character(3) = 64
  character(4) = 252

  Case 88 'X
  character(0) = 196
  character(1) = 40
  character(2) = 16
  character(3) = 40
  character(4) = 196

  Case 89 'Y
  character(0) = 76
  character(1) = 144
  character(2) = 144
  character(3) = 124
  character(4) = 0

  Case 90 'Z
  character(0) = 196
  character(1) = 164
  character(2) = 148
  character(3) = 140
  character(4) = 0

  Case 91 'up/down
  character(0) = 0
  character(1) = 0
  character(2) = 80
  character(3) = 216
  character(4) = 80

  Case 92 'sand saver
  character(0) = 0
  character(1) = 0
  character(2) = 144
  character(3) = 168
  character(4) = 72

  Case 93 'arrow
  character(3) = 1
  character(0) = 248
  character(1) = 112
  character(2) = 32
  character(4) = 0

  Case 94 'hyphen
  character(0) = 0
  character(1) = 16
  character(2) = 16
  character(3) = 16
  character(4) = 0

  Case 58 ':
  character(0) = 1
  character(1) = 216
  character(2) = 216
  character(3) = 0
  character(4) = 0

  Case 47 '/
  character(0) = 192
  character(1) = 48
  character(2) = 12
  character(3) = 0
  character(4) = 0

  Case 62 '>
  character(0) = 124
  character(1) = 56
  character(2) = 16
  character(3) = 0
  character(4) = 0

  Case 40 '(
  character(0) = 0
  character(1) = 0
  character(2) = 120
  character(3) = 132
  character(4) = 0

  Case 41 ')
  character(0) = 132
  character(1) = 120
  character(2) = 0
  character(3) = 0
  character(4) = 0

  Case Else 'turn into a space
  character(0) = 1
  character(1) = 1
  character(2) = 1
  character(3) = 1
  character(4) = 1



 'at this point, we should have: charbyte containing the character index
 'which has been "passed" into pickcharacter which has populated the
 'array called "character" - 5 pixels wide, possibly more
 'so we keep sending each byte to the GLCD until we hit a sequence
 'of two empty (zero) bytes

 ilcd = 0
 jlcd = 0

 While ilcd < 5

  klcd = character(ilcd)
  If invertchar = 1 Then klcd = klcd Xor 255

  'send one byte (column of 8 pixels) to the display
  If character(ilcd) = 1 Then
   'this is the special character to say "blank"
   If invertchar = 1 Then
    glcdbyte = 255
    glcdbyte = 0
   glcdbyte = klcd
  Gosub glcdsenddata

  'move on to the next column of data within the character
  ilcd = ilcd + 1

Here's the end result:

Now if only there were some way I could keep this and use a second set of serial (SPI) lines to send/receive data to the eeprom chip. That'd be a massive leap forward....


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