Joysticks rule
Put the input from the miniature joystick on the Arduino Nokia board onto pin A0 of a PIC microcontroller and read the input values.
The Oshonsoft PIC18 the command for reading an analogue input is:
Adcin 0, joystickvalue
This takes the input from analogue channel zero (in our case, PORTA.0) and writes it to the variable "joystickvalue".
During testing, with an open connection (joystick centred, no movements made) the joystick value wavered between 169-170. At first this seems odd, but looking at the schematic datasheet we can see that the reference voltage from the joystick is between 0v and 3.3v.
Taking the average value of 170, and given that we're storing this data into a byte variable, we can see that (170/255)*5v = 3.3v.
So it all makes sense again - with no joystick movement, we expect to receive 3.3v from the joystick onto our analogue pin. And the value 170 does indeed represent a 3.3v signal when our PIC is powered by a 5v supply.
A simple routine was put together to write the value of the joystick input onto the Nokia screen. The following was determined:
This translates quite nicely into a simple subroutine for any project that uses this board. The routine waits for the joystick to be moved, stores the direction into a variable then waits for the joystick to be released again.
The routine can be called from anywhere in the program, though it might work quite nicely if called from a timer interrupt, since the user input is stored until the microcontroller is free to process it.
Dim joystickvalue as Byte
Dim jstick(5) as Byte
Dim buttonpressed As Byte
jstick(1) = 126 'right
jstick(2) = 88 'up
jstick(3) = 60 'down
jstick(4) = 26 'fire
jstick(5) = 4 'left
'single input ADC for joystick press
Adcin 0, joystickvalue
'compare current joystick value to stored values
'at rest returns 172-168, first value is 120-122 for "right"
If joystickvalue < 140 Then
For i = 0 To 4
If joystickvalue < jstick(i) Then
buttonpressed = i
Next i
'debounce the button press
WaitMs 1
Adcin 0, joystickvalue
If joystickvalue < 140 Then
'wait for the button to be released
While joystickvalue < 140
'keep sampling the joystick to see whether it's been released
Adcin 0, joystickvalue
buttonpressed = 0
buttonpressed = 0
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