So that's why nothing ever gets finished

Posted by Chris on Tuesday, March 24, 2009
While waiting for my PIC programmer, I fell back onto a couple of ideas I've been kicking around for a while and decided it was time to do something about them. I have loads of half-finished projects kicking around and have never actually got close to finishing any of them.
Well, ok, a few years ago I completed an Everyone's a Wally remake (in Flash 5 no less) but I only managed to complete it because it was for a competition and the deadline was looming!

Maybe that's the problem with being a one-man-band.
There's never anyone on your shoulder, nagging or pushing you for a completed product. There's always tomorrow. There's always something else new and interesting and exciting to get involved with - like most nerdy people I know, once I've worked out how something works, it's time to move on.
And so the Nerd Club was born: with luck, getting a few different people involved will mean that different aspects of each project will appeal to different people. And there's probably a 1/1000 chance that something might actually get finished! But it's odds-on that more things will get started....

Which brings me onto this post: I've started another project.
Not picked one up that was flagging a few months ago and decided to breathe some new life into it, but start an entirely new idea. I'm writing an online game. It's going to be not just the biggest and best online game, but the best community/league game too (aren't they all?).

It's a mix between two of the best games of all time, blending the skill and strategy of (ZX Spectrum classic) Laser Squad with the brutal sports board game Blood Bowl. It doesn't have a title yet, but will basically be a football/fighting type game, "borrowing" the mechanics of the brilliant Laser Squad. In fact, it'll probably end up being the game that I hoped the new Blood Bowl video game would be.

(but written in Flash so you can play it in a browser)
Check out the projects page on the Nerd Club main site


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