ScoreSure Petanque Pro
Posted by Chris
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Coding is almost complete for Petanque Pro and we've introduced a new feature which will become standard on all ScoreSure devices - a player "database". In using the Petanque Pro at a recent game, it quickly became obvious that entering player names, one character at a time - however impressive the achievement is technically - is a bit of a pain in the arse. Especially when playing in the Brighton and Hove Rolling Melee tournament, where you team up with a different player for each and every game. What a nightmare that was!
So it seemed far better to have a number (up to twenty) different player names pre-loaded into the device EEPROM memory, and to make these available to select, when entering/selecting players for each tournament.
This is a brilliant improvement to the device and makes it much more user-friendly.
The only problem is that is requires a lot more memory space, so results need to be stored differently and at different addresses. In short, any device which wishes to make use of the player database idea (i.e. all of them) will need to be re-coded to allow for this: not just a bit of code added to the beginning (as we'd hoped) but any routine that makes use of EEPROM will need to be updated.
In short, more or less (another) complete re-write for each device!

The menu and bitmap need a little tidying up!

Use up and down to select menu items. In this case, we've even included the
tricky "3 versus 2" team set-up (one doubles + one triples)

Up and down changes the highlighted player. Left and right scroll through
the player "database" and changes the entire player name without having to edit
them one letter at a time

See how the entire name changed in one go? (of course not, this is a series of
still photographs. But trust me, it does!) Press the joystick button down to edit names

It's not gone away you know! That's right, the "old" method of entering individual
player names, one letter at a time, is still there. In case you made a spelling mistake,
or someone turns up to play who isn't in your database of players. To edit a name
press the joystick button down. Up and down changes the letter, left and right highlights
the next letter in the name. Click the button down again when you're done.

The screen we've all been waiting for - entering results. In "Pro" mode you can
record the distance the end was played at, as well as who scored the points for each "end".

As the scores for each "end" are entered, the final score is automatically updated.
Repeat and play for as many points as you like (in Petanque, the default is 13, but
sometimes a short game is only played up to 7). When you're done, return to main menu.
Your scores are safely tucked away in the onboard EEPROM, ready to be uploaded to the scoreresults.co.uk website.
So it seemed far better to have a number (up to twenty) different player names pre-loaded into the device EEPROM memory, and to make these available to select, when entering/selecting players for each tournament.
This is a brilliant improvement to the device and makes it much more user-friendly.
The only problem is that is requires a lot more memory space, so results need to be stored differently and at different addresses. In short, any device which wishes to make use of the player database idea (i.e. all of them) will need to be re-coded to allow for this: not just a bit of code added to the beginning (as we'd hoped) but any routine that makes use of EEPROM will need to be updated.
In short, more or less (another) complete re-write for each device!
The menu and bitmap need a little tidying up!
Use up and down to select menu items. In this case, we've even included the
tricky "3 versus 2" team set-up (one doubles + one triples)
Up and down changes the highlighted player. Left and right scroll through
the player "database" and changes the entire player name without having to edit
them one letter at a time
See how the entire name changed in one go? (of course not, this is a series of
still photographs. But trust me, it does!) Press the joystick button down to edit names
It's not gone away you know! That's right, the "old" method of entering individual
player names, one letter at a time, is still there. In case you made a spelling mistake,
or someone turns up to play who isn't in your database of players. To edit a name
press the joystick button down. Up and down changes the letter, left and right highlights
the next letter in the name. Click the button down again when you're done.
The screen we've all been waiting for - entering results. In "Pro" mode you can
record the distance the end was played at, as well as who scored the points for each "end".
As the scores for each "end" are entered, the final score is automatically updated.
Repeat and play for as many points as you like (in Petanque, the default is 13, but
sometimes a short game is only played up to 7). When you're done, return to main menu.
Your scores are safely tucked away in the onboard EEPROM, ready to be uploaded to the scoreresults.co.uk website.